воскресенье, 24 мая 2015 г.

Песня об овощах на английском языке

Каждый год лето приносит нам много вкусных и полезных овощей. Детям всегда близка тема сбора урожая в конце лета и осенью, поэтому я постаралась представить ее как можно проще и доступнее для юных исследователей английского язака. Легкие слова и смешные мультипликационные персонажи помогут быстро и эффективно запомнить названия овощей на английском языке.

Слова "Песни об овощах"

To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.
To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.

In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.

It’s a carrot, it’s a carrot,
Growing in the ground.
It’s a carrot, it’s a carrot,
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many carrots for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many carrots for you and me.

It’s a cabbage, it’s a cabbage,
Growing on the ground.
It’s a cabbage, it’s a cabbage,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many cabbages for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many cabbages for you and me.

It’s a tomato, it’s a tomato,
Growing on the ground.
It’s a tomato, it’s a tomato,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many tomatoes for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many tomatoes for you and me.

It’s a potato, it’s a potato,
Growing in the ground.
It’s a potato, it’s a potato,
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many potatoes for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many potatoes for you and me.

It’s a cucumber, it’s a cucumber,
Growing on the ground.
It’s a cucumber, it’s a cucumber,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many cucumbers for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many cucumbers for you and me.

It’s a pumpkin, it’s a pumpkin,
Growing on the ground.
It’s a pumpkin, it’s a pumpkin,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many pumpkins for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many pumpkins for you and me.

It’s a beet, it’s a beet,
Growing in the ground.
It’s a beet, it’s a beet,
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many beets for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many beets for you and me.

It’s an eggplant cucumber, it’s an eggplant,
Growing on the ground.
It’s an eggplant, it’s an eggplant,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many eggplants for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many eggplants for you and me.

It’s a corn, it’s a corn,
Growing on the ground.
It’s a corn, it’s a corn,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many corns for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many corns for you and me.

It’s an onion, it’s an onion,
Growing in the ground.
It’s an onion, it’s an onion,
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many onions for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many onions for you and me.

It’s a pepper, it’s a pepper,
Growing on the ground.
It’s a pepper, it’s a pepper,
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many peppers for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many peppers for you and me.

To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.
To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.

In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.

Чтобы повысить эффективность запоминания слов песни и названий овощей, я предлагаю вашему вниманию 2 набора флеш карточек с изображениями овощей. В первом наборе на карточках изображены овощи, ниже подписаны названия овощей. Во втором наборе на флеш карточках даны только картинки, а слова расположены на дополнительных карточках. Этот набор можно использовать для многочисленных игр на занятиях английского языка: найди картинку, соедини слово с картинкой, какой овощ спрятался и другие.

Набор 1

vegetable flashcards English language
Набор флеш карточек № 1 с изображениями овощей со словами

vegetable flashcards for kids learning English

Набор 2

Flashcards to learn English
Набор флеш карточек № 2 с изображением овощей без слов

English learning flashcards - topic vegetables

Слова к набору флеш карточек с овощами

Больше раздаточных материалов, а также раскрасски и игру Bingo вы найдете в английской версии блога: Vegetables song for kids

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